The 58th ceremony to commemorate the Most Ven. Welivitiye Soratha Nayaka Thero

The 58th ceremony to commemorate the Most Ven. Welivitiye Soratha Nayaka Thero, the founder of University of Sri Jayewardenepura was held at the university premises on the 19th of July from 8.45am onwards.

The occasion was lead by Senior Professor Sudantha Liyanage, Vice Chancellor of the university of Sri Jayewardenepura.

Most Ven. Welivitiye Soratha Nayaka Thero, the founder and first Vice Chancellor of the university, took the initiative to establish the Vidyodaya University that later became the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

The gathering was restricted to the traditional religious rituals with a limited number of participants in response to the prevailing pandemic situation.


Compiled by : Hansi Wijekoon

Designed by : Manuka Pasan

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